New lesson this Saturday."Basket" is "Hard" instead of "rough"basketball is not just a hobby, but also could be a practice was rough. so be prepared to bear the pain which he said the pain was just gone after a week.I, rahma, Aidha, given the duty to pray, I hope there are kids who want to come, and really follow basketball this serious. but there is one which I regret.
Classmate named Dinda. he said he would participate. But it was 4 times the exercise she did not follow it.because my friend said there are many who say 'come' but in fact if not ever come Saturday, I finally write status.
WANTED: Children who really want to come with the intention of basketball, but not just in the mouth. :D
he felt, he comments. he said he would come tomorrow Saturday. okay, no problem :D but he will get something surprising. I'm sure of it. because, in practice next Saturday will be more heavier than usual.
Ohh ohh
Last years old news
I'm breaking out my six string
And playing from my heart
It's not deja vu
Cause it's another summer
That's how this chapter starts
I'm gonna run so fast 'til I can't breathe
Come along and follow me
Let's make some noise we never did before
It's a brand new day
(Don't you see me)
Changing on my way
(So completely)
This time I'm gonna sing and you're gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit
It's a brand new day
And I'm feelin' good
And I'm feelin' good
So drama free (so drama free)
I'm all about the music
I just wanna sing
Watch me live out my dreams
I'm gonna rock that stage and give my everything
I'm gonna dance until my feet can't move
Come along get in the groove
Let's shine so brigh more than we did before
It's a brand new day
(Don't you see me)
Changing on my way
(So completely)
This time I'm gonna sing and you're gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit
It's a brand new day
And I'm feelin' good!
(What you gonna do? What you gonna do?)
I'm gonna laugh through the summer with you
(Who you gonna be? Who you gonna be?)
You'll just have to watch me carefully
(Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?)
Anywhere my heart wants me to go
I'm gonna sing I'm gonna dance
I'm gonna ride I'm gonna play
I'm gonna try my game in everything
Cause It's a brand new day
(Don't you see me)
Changing on my way
(So completely)
This time I'm gonna sing and you're gonna hear it
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit
It's a brand new day
It's a brand new day
(It's a brand new day)
Changing on my way
(Changing on my way)
This time I'm gonna sing and you're gonna hear it (gonna hear it)
This time I'm gonna show you that I got the spirit (got the spirit)
It's a brand new day
(It's a brand new day)
It's a brand new day
And I'm feelin' good
Feelin' good
And I'm feelin' good
This post is about the outpouring of my heart: D
Okay, we start with Flashback. : D
A week ago, my primary school friend, for help to me, so I make a comic for the task of cultural arts. I accept it, because making comics is my thing too, though still stiff. : D
after I make, I can not give him due to "transportation". but several days later, he asked me to make his comics for as many as 3 pieces. because a single sheet of yesterday was wrong. but I discourage it.
a few days later, I have not completed his pleas for help. until this morning, the comic was not finished. when he would take it today, but I do not know what time. This post is about the outpouring of my heart: D
Okay, we start with Flashback. : D
A week ago, my primary school friend, for help to me, so I make a comic for the task of cultural arts. I accept it, because making comics is my thing too, though still stiff. : D
after I make, I can not give him due to "transportation". but several days later, he asked me to make his comics for as many as 3 pieces. because a single sheet of yesterday was wrong. but I discourage it.
a few days later, I have not completed his pleas for help. until this morning, the comic was not finished. when he would take it today, but I do not know what time.
Sabtu, 13 November 2010
Aku akan memulai kebiasaan baru di hari sabtu. apa? Latihan Basket :)
ini memang yang sudah lama ku tunggu, yaitu adanya "seseorang" yang mau melatih kami, para murid kelas 8 SMPN 30 Surabaya.
Pelatih ini memang bukan pelatih yang di bayar untuk melatih kami. Pelatih ini adalah kakak-kakak kami, lulusan SMPN 30 juga, yang mempunyai Visi-Misi memajukan "Basket" dari sekolah ini.
Sekitar Jam 7 , Pelatih kami belum datang, padahal dari perjanjian yang ada, jika terlambat datang lebih dari jam 7, maka akan di kenai Push up. setelah menunggu beberapa menit, pelatih kami datang, karena antara pelatih dan kami perbedaan umur tidak jauh, hanya sekitar beda 2 tahun, kami sangat akrab. bercanda, dan lainnya.
Aku diajarkan cara Shoot ke dalam ring dengan benar. walaupun susah, aku terus mencoba, sambil mengatakan "Ah, Aku nggak bisa". lalu si pelatih berkata "Kalau bisa memasukan 1 bola, silahkan mencoba Lay up. oke, aku terus mencoba, belum juga berhasil.
sampai akhirnya pembina pramuka datang. 3 temanku yang lain mengikuti kegiatan pramuka juga. jadi latihan di tunda. maka aku berlatih sendiri, walau terik matahari begitu menyengat apa lagi aku juga memakai baju hitam. "Ah~~ punggungku terbakar!" seperti itulah rasanya. tak sia-sia, aku berhasil memasukan 2 bola. mungkin 1 dari 10 bola. hahaha.. aku serius waktu itu.
pramuka tidak juga selesai. akhirnya aku berhenti. dan berteduh di bawah pohon yang sejuk sambil bermain rubik. sesekali juga menggambar komik. kira-kira sekitar jam 11. pramuka selesai. Kakak-kakak pelatih pun bercerita tentang perjuangan mereka memperjuangkan sebuah "LAPANGAN BASKET SMPN 30 SURABAYA" dan juga memperjuangkan "Proposal" untuk mengikuti Ajang DBL Junior.
Kakak-Kakak pelatih ini terdiri dari 3 orang. Mas Reyzal, Mas Rian, sama Mas Doni.
Cerita Mas Reyzal:
"Aku Bangga dek, punya adek-adek yang punya ambisi seperti kalian, mau main ke sekolah panas-panasan. kita semua punya 1 tujuan yang sama kan, yaitu gimana caranya supaya SMP ini bisa ikut DBL. aku dulu sering bikin proposal supaya smp ini bisa di ikutkan DBL. tapi begitu Proposalnya di serahkan, mesti selalu di remehkan. mereka bilang 'Halah, yang begituan untuk apa'. padahal coba pikirkan dek. buat apa lapangan basket di bikin sebegini bagusnya tapi nggak di manfaatkan? ya kan? dulu aku sama rian ini sempet berpikiran untuk urunan buat mbetulin ring basket. dulu itu lapangannya nggak begini. Dari Pavingan dek. jadi kalau jatuh ya jatuh berdarah betulan. dulu panasnya lebih dari ini. kamu sekarang ini udah enak, udah serba bagus kayak begini.dulu aku bilang ke mamaku, ma, aku ikut basket ya. oke, mamaku mbolehin. aku bilang ke yangkung ku. Kung! aku ikut basket!. begitu. aku bisa buktiin ke dia kalau aku bisa. aku masuk tim inti. tapi sayang banget. waktu aku mau cerita kalau aku bisa, dia meninggal. kamu malu nggak, kalau misalnya temen-temenmu bicara tentang DBL, terus kamu di tanyai, mana sekolahmu ikut DBL ngga? Pasti malu kan? dulu aku, rian, dll, itu waktu di tolak proposalnya nangis nangis bareng dek. pernah dulu itu sakit sakit panang bareng semuanya. dulu aku sama anak-anak itu basketan pagi, habis itu pas bel masuk sekolah cepet-cepet baju di masukin terus ke kelas. habis itu istirahat main basket lagi. biar ketauan bu Wiji, kami ini nggak kapok dek."
Cerita Mas Doni:
" Sekarang ini wes sudah Curhat beneran Curhat. dulu, kan kembaranku masuk SMA 1, aku SMA 20. kembaranku namanya Deni. waktu itu dia bilang ke aku. 'mana SMA mu? ayo, aku pengen kita ketemu di DBL arena'. waktu itu dia juga nitipin Sepatu basketnya. 'Ayo, kalau kamu sudah bisa ikut DBL, aku tunggu kamu di DBL arena, pakai sepatu itu!' gitu katanya. tapi setelah itu waktu perjalanan pulang, dia ketabrak kereta. waktu itu juga ada pacarnya. anehnya sebelum ketabrak dia juga senyum ke pacarnya. sampai sekarang, sepatunya belum ku pakai. masih tak gantung di rumah. maunya, kalau kalian udah hebat nanti, majuin 'Basket' Smp ini, aku pengen ngasih sepatu itu ke kalian"
sebenernya masih banyak lagi ceritanya. cuman mungkin aku sudah sedikit lupa. intinya, ceritanya itu sungguh megharukan. pengen nangis tapi ya nggak pengen. aku liat di mata 3 temenku itu udah berkaca-kaca semua. aku akui bener perjuangan kakak-kakak ini. rasanya, kalau aku udah dapet seragam dan bisa main bener-bener, juga di DBL waktu kelas 9 nanti. pengen rasanya nunjukin, Bahwa SMPN 30 ini nggak selamanya TENGGELAM! SMPN 30 juga bisa tunjukan apa yang mereka punya!
Hopefully my struggles and my brothers were not in vain. we hope to principals and teachers are not condescending, and please think about, even if the event DBL school can also be lifted its name.
"NB" : Maaf kalau ada salah satu atau banyak dari ceritanya Mas Reyzal dan Mas Doni ada yang salah.. karena itu hanya ingatan saya yang berbicara :D
10 November 2010
Heroes Day. Ceremonies commemorating the school at that I wait for is when the division race, as enumerated in the previous post, "Competing with senior ira."
this time I'll tell what happened at the time of day. though I wait, I listen well. but none of my name on the call. I began to surrender, drawing winners yet in mention. ah, I really gave up. no matter who wins, I could not hear what was in there mentioned. I left the field and return to class.
what happened? I do not know who won!I do not see that the ira senior won the race.ah .. What might the seventh grade? ah, I really was desperate.
My drawing ability has dropped dramatically from when I was still in elementary school first.
possible until there was just who can say. nothing special ...
Aku datang dan sampai di SD ku kira-kira jam 08.15 tapi masih sepi. aku pinjam handphone ayahku buat telpon temen. tapi ngga ada yang jawab. ayahku keburu pulang, padahal handphonenya masih ku pinjam. apa boleh buat, aku ikut pulang. aku nangis disitu. padahal acara ini kan nggak ada setiap hari?! lagi pula janjiannya juga sulit setengah mati! anak-anak sekarang ini banyak yang sibuk.. maklum kelas 8..
Tapi aku terus cari cara. soalnya yang mengadakan acara di facebook itu aku (tapi aku juga diajak sih, hehe) . masa aku sendiri nggak datang? Terus temenku namanya"Billa" sms ke nomorku, dia mau berangkat. aku bilang tunggu! aku bareng kamu ajalah.. akhirnya jadi deh ke SD. lega banget aku di situ.
Begitu sampai SD, sudah ramai, sudah ada Dinda, Yola, Dhani, Dina, dll. 'kan sekarang Yola Pakai kerudung, aku jadi pangling.. terus Wina juga dateng. duduk-duduk bentaran, Nuke juga dateng, terus ngobrol-ngobrol bentar.
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Jalan Menuju Tempat Eskul Band |
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Lokasi Eskul Band |
Habis itu, para rombongan senior nggak penting ini menuju ke kelas kenangan.. kelas 6B.. eits,, biar agak gaya gitu kali ya.. foto-foto dulu lah di belakang bendera.. :D
akhirnya besok ku kembalikan..
Very annoying today.I'll tell you about this confusing issue.
On Sunday, my fans at school ask me something through the chat on facebook social networking.
he asked me if I liked someone named "Putro"? Initially I did not like it answered. but he continued to tease me. I finally could not resist anymore if I was ever like it, and it does not matter if later on I became his girlfriend. I asked him why he continues to question it? he replied, if I liked it, he intended to match me with Putro. yes already I agree, for reasons he did not say it to anyone.
However, I also could not resist to tell my friends. there are a few of them have already known. they laugh at me, because from the first show I had no such response was like Putro. but they also argue that Putro also liked me. It's up to them, I'm just waiting for that to happen later.
I already told all the kids, my fans who will match me send me a message wall. "I was really disappointed with you med.. Why you should choose him?? Open it I'm jealous.. But what is not there another guy.. I say so because you did not know who he is the truth." comes a big question mark in my brain. what the mean of "He's the truth?" . I knew him since seventh grade! there's nothing strange about him.
After that, I reply the same way, send him a message wall.
"He's the truth? Indeed how he really?"
he responded with words that I think a little poetic.
"I think,, its very contrast with the nature that you have mentioned before me,,,but,, I dunno,, maybe the boy is perfect for you,,different opinions of it,,?I still wonder why many kids who liked ,,,,,"
it is increasingly raising a question mark to me. however, so there are no tensions, I responded with ease.
"Oh, your words once poetic ... ^ ^
if you're disappointed, for what intent you want to try to match me? Continues, it could be right, you completely different type of guy I am. I knew him from grade 7. But the guns know more if you know more about him. If so, how do you think he is? :) "
he has not responded. but one of my other fans, it makes me emotional. I do not understand the wants. why other fans who could tell? though I've told you do not tell anyone. one more that I Annoyed. as I gathered with the children including Putro. she seemed silent to me. like already know what I tell my fans.
I immediately wrote the status on facebook.
"Haha,, TURN OUT, PEOPLE ARE NOT NEAR WITH THAT WE CAN NOT RELIABLE YA? Haha,, my mouth so want to say that sharp - sharp .. ==
Up here alone. I'll tell you something else if there is new. thank you for listening to the outpouring of my heart.!